
Showing posts from July, 2020

Not So Late Night Post... Fortnite

F O R T N IT E Hello Gamers, here is a post about the ever so surviving... Fortnite. With all the new updates, the game is getting back its touch. With that said, there is a lot of secrets to exploit. Here's what I've found - At the front of Steamy Stacks, there is a Cube, which has this weird corn cob on it. It has no effects, so don't bother skydiving down there. This is probably some weird easter egg, if you find out that it does something, put that in the comments! - This one might have been around for a long time, but if you shoot people really fast while they are doing an emote (this works for most emotes) then they move around a lot, and they can't stop you. It is a common troll used in the lobbies of games like Fortnite. Signing out, Cookoopizza101 Also check out